I just finished almost two months stay in Thailand with included visiting Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar. The first ten days in Phuket were spend on a boat called Ladyandaman. This is a party boat people can hire to cruise the Andaman Sea in relative luxury. Check out party boat hire in Phuket
I then moved a house just out of Patong surprisingly close to the main tourist area but in a housing estate with a semi-rurual feel to it. I enjoyed staying there and spent most of the time working and getting an education on beer. I have a personal blog about being an expat in Asia and have been recording all the beers i have tried and now it looks more like a beer blog. See my Christopher Bennetts Travel and Living in Asia blog. I think will have to create a new separate beer blog as i like to remember the different beers i have tried so i know what to select in the future.
When you look at all the beer it does seem a lot but really it worked out to just a few bottles a day. Only on one occasion did I drink to excess and actually get a little intoxicated.
Perhaps my favourite beer or shall we say in top five is this one.
Rochefort 10 is a Trappistes beer (actually made by modern day monks) that is truly what the person had in mind when he described beer as nectar of God's.